Friday, January 22, 2010

Can you please guide me on how to begin writing test cases for a project module?

start from the specifications ...

for example, the specification says that a student must get at least 40% in aggregrate and at least 30% in each individual subject to be declared pass

your test cases should have conditions where student has got:

(a) 40% in aggregrate and 30% in each subject

(b) more than 40% in aggregrate and more than 30% in each subject

(c) 40% in aggregrate and less than 30% in at least one subject

(d) more than 40% in aggregrate and less than 30% in at least one subject

(e) more than 40% in aggregrate and 30% in each subject

(f) less than 40% in aggregrate and more than 30% in each subject

(g) less than 40% in aggregrate and 30% in each subject

(h) less than 40% in aggregrate and less than 30% in at least one subject

and so on to cover all possible conditions for pass / fail ...Can you please guide me on how to begin writing test cases for a project module?
have a job sheet for module in C say, func foo_1 perform action B when it RX msgA from func foo_prev.

1. no msg A from fooprev no call to B

2. msg A from fooprev no call to B

3. msg A from fooprev call to B

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Can you please guide me on how to begin writing test cases for a project module?鈥?/a> (MICROSOFT WORD)

Writing test cases for unit and integration level for a single module. ... of the project was 鈥?writing business threads, writing test cases for functional ...鈥?/a>

Debian Administration :: Writing Perl test cases

... are stored beneath a project in a directory called tests, each test is in its ... same test upon a host which doesn't have the Mail::Verify module installed shows ...鈥?/a>
can u plzz tell d topic on which u want d referd information

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