Thursday, May 13, 2010

Are paternity tests mandated in custody cases? ?

We currently have temporary custody of my husbands nephew. There is another hearing coming up to make the order permanent, however the judge wants to find the father first. I have located him, but am unsure of what steps will be taken next. Can the court legally force him to take a partenity test or is it assumed that he is the father because the mother named him and the burden of proof lays with him? Also, what type of notification is sent to him regarding the case?Are paternity tests mandated in custody cases? ?
Get a DNA test on the father. That way, if he chooses to give up his rights it will be based on fact. If he is not the father, then you could get blindsided by another man that could take the child from you down the road. It is best to resolve the matter now.Are paternity tests mandated in custody cases? ?
Even though the mother has told the courts who the father is, they will have him tested just to make sure, so there is no confusion. Its just easier at the end of it all, and usually the father will ask for it to make sure he's the father.

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