Friday, January 22, 2010

When should I take the home pregnancy test in this case?

I heard that some women could still be pregnant even if they had their period after having sex.

The last time I had sex was about 17 days ago give or take a couple of days. We used the withdrawl method and I do realize that I could still get pregnant with it and I don't have a problem if I am actually pregnant. I got my period today, so I'm wondering, when should I take a HPT?

Also, should I buy more than one HPT? If so, how many?

Thanks :)When should I take the home pregnancy test in this case?
As long as you got your period and didn't let him *** straight inside you.... and it was 17 days ago? Yeah- I think your safe even without the home pregnancy test. If you don't get a second period... then take it. Otherwise- really. I think your fine.When should I take the home pregnancy test in this case?
You are correct that withdrawal is not an effective means of birth control. There can be sperm in his natural lubricating fluid. Buy an early-response pregnancy test and take it as soon as the instructions tell you it's accurate. Then there will be no question of whether or not you are pregnant. (I know a woman who had always had light periods, and she didn't even know she was pregnant until she was about five months along because she had periods for the first four months of her pregnancy. At that point she started gaining weight, which made her suspicious.)

I know you said you are okay with being pregnant, but is he? Please either decide together that you want to try to become pregnant or decide together to use effective contraception until you both feel ready to have a child.
17 days ago, i wouldnt worry, like you said you risk geting pregnant, but even the best contraseptives have risks, the times you hear of pregnancy's after periods is when intercourse occurs right before a period starts, like a day or so, i havent heard of a pregnancy occuring when a womans period is 17 days after intercourse, i hear first response is the most up to date type of hpt right now before a doctors visit, apparently its meant to detect pregnancy 5 days BEFORE a missed period, but you havent missed one, i really wouldnt worry.

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