Sunday, January 24, 2010

How many people can't wait and test early just in case?! How many people test early & it's +? Lucky things!

I'm normally between about 24 and 26 days and i'm on day 27 so not really late, but possibly slightly. I have been trying for over 10 years though, but stopped testing early years ago as it just got my hopes up and dashed them again when i came on!How many people can't wait and test early just in case?! How many people test early %26amp; it's +? Lucky things!
We have been TTC for only two/three months. I have been so anxious that I have been testing 2 days before my period is due. I cant help it. :( still no luck. Hopefully this month though.... just wondering if there is a place where you could roll over on baby dust. :/How many people can't wait and test early just in case?! How many people test early %26amp; it's +? Lucky things!
i tested early use clear blu and it was !!!
i am TTC and want to test constantly!! its so hard waiting for your period to arrive........but i will keep with it 9 more days to go

Good Luck and i hope you are xx
If you have been trying to conceive for 10 years...have you gone to a doctor to see if there are any physical problems that could be causing your infertility? My cycles were always regular and I had no reason to assume I had any problems. Never had painful periods or anything like that. Once I got married and started trying and was no longer on bc's, I got worried after 12 months of not conceiving! Come to find out, they did an HSG test and it showed that both of my tubes were blocked. No amount of relaxing or not stressing over conception would have corrected that. Good luck to you on getting pregnant. In the past, I have always tested early and always got disappointed. However, that was b/c with my tubes blocked, there was just no way for that egg to get to the sperm or vice versa. This is the first month after my tubes being unblocked so we'll see what happens.
I have been ttc for nearly 2 years. I did a test a week before my period was due and got a positive. Ive done 4 pregnancy tests just to make sure cause I just dont know whether to believe it. I had a miscarried 2 months ago at 7 1/2 weeks. I fell pregnant after using clomid have you looked into this?
I tested early and got such a faint positive. I wasn't sure if that line was really there or if I just really wanted it to be. I took a second test and it did the same thing. It was so frustrating. But a few days later a had a positive blood test done at the doc. It really is so hard to wait to test.
i usually get a 31-35 day cycle but have had the odd 40ish one thrown in. i'm almost on day 51 now and still too scared to test as i don't wanna see negative!!
With this pregnancy, I tested the day after my pissed period. When I was TTC I usually waited 6-7 days before testing, but this time around I had a really strong feeling that I was pregnant, I was already feeling some nausea and whatnot.

Anyway, I knew the conception date, and it was only about 2 1/2 weeks prior to my testing, but it came out positive.
When I was trying, I always tested early! I spent more money on those sticks because of it, too:o)

However, once I did test early and saw the faintest pink line....faint or dark, pink is pink!!

Good luck!
sorry to hear this, are you being investigated for infertility!? good luck never give up hope!

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